Every Sunday, a group of us sign up at the Nuthouse Scribblers blog and post a sexy snippet: 7 sentences from a work in progress. Here’s mine for the week from Exhibition 


Image Source: Unknown

Up until now, Grace had felt disconnected from her body. As if by not seeing it because of the blindfold, her flesh didn’t exist. Even the guests signing on her skin had felt academic; their impartiality to her body matching her own. The thrill of it had been more about the idea than sensation. Now, feeling his fingers trace over her curves, outlining her and giving her back form, she felt her awareness grow from her mind, expand and become a body. Her skin prickled with its new awareness.

Nicolette Hugo ©

Link to NuthouseScribblers: http://thenuthousescribblers.blogspot.com.au/p/sexy-snippets.html 

23 thoughts on “#SEXYSNIPPETS

  1. I love the idea of Grace being given back form by a strangers hand…. For some reason that is both emotionally powerful and sexy as hell.


  2. Whoa, girl. Holy moly, can you ever write. This is awesome! Loved this bit in particular: He wanted to capture that, corrupt it, restore it, then corrupt it again. – Absolutely brilliant! Can’t wait for more!


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